Smith family-
learning for

Quick Stats

Children Supported
Club Funds Contributed Annually
0 %
Percent of Students Progress to Year 12
0 %
Progress to Further Education or Employment​

Today, one in six Australian children and young people are living in poverty, where even life’s basics are hard to come by. 

When families are experiencing financial disadvantage children can fall behind with their learning, leaving them more vulnerable to experiencing hardship themselves later in the life.

The primary target group is  financially disadvantaged children, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, who receive a financial sponsorship to assist with the costs of their school attendance. The sponsorship of disadvantaged children and the wrap around programs to support sponsored children is called the Learning for Life Program. The secondary target group is other disadvantaged children who would benefit from the program support but are not in the sponsorship program.

The Rotary Club of Townsville Sunrise funds the support of TEN Primary School students through the Learning for Life Program annually at a cost of $1,500.00 per student, totaling $15,000 annually.

The Smith Family implements a Learning For Life program to improve the education outcomes for disadvantaged children by providing a financial sponsorship program that assists student with the costs education expenses such as uniforms, stationary, text books and excursions. A range of support programs are provided to support educational attainment aimed at disadvantaged children. The program suite and participation numbers including growth targets are provided in the table below.


Support of this program helps disadvantaged children access education with sufficient support to succeed.  By helping these children achieve good educational outcomes, the cycle of poverty for these children can be broken, leading to an increase in quality of life within Australia.  Our club has commited to funding this program on a multi-year basis to help solve poverty in Townsville and North Queensland